100% Raw, Unfiltered Honey: When it comes to honey, we believe that no one can do it better than its real creators: the bees. That’s why we deliver the purest, 100% unfiltered honey you can get your hands on. When honey is heated , many of its vitamins, enzymes and nutrients are we a kened or destroyed. Yet, with our completely raw , unheated honey, you have nothing to worry about!
Delicious Natural Georgian Honey – 3 LB BULK JUG : This gourmet honey derives from a range of floral sources native to Southeast Georgia, including primarily Gallberry along with some Tupelo, Blackgum, and Palmetto flowers. And the best part? Each pour jug features a flip top for easy use and contains 3 lb s of the purest honey to keep your kitchen stocked for a long time. Great for commercial use, for any F&B Business
Our Honey. Our Bees. Our Pride & Joy: As the owners of 30,000 beehives, we take great pride in providing you with the most natural honey t hat delivers consisten t flavor and excellent quality, derived from a single location: our very own beehives. Unlike other honey companies that often mix or heat their honey with low - quality ingredients , Pure Southern Honey is just what its name promises : the purest, always.
Long Shelf Life with Containers We Hand - Bottle Ourselves: When we say we are a hands - down, bee - obsessed family, we mean it. Up to this day, all containers are hand - filled with local honey to ensure excellent quality control at every step of the process. What’s more, thanks to its natural flavor and synthesis, our real honey does not crystallize quickly, offering longer shelf life compared to store - bought honey.
Made in the USA by an Awarded Family Business: For generation after generation, our small , family - owned business in South Georgia has been harvesting the highest - quality authentic honey that has even been featured in the Summer 2021 edition of Southern Living Magazine.